Sowing Resources for 2020

27 January 2020, Monday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan informs agricultural producers that a special section has been created on the ministry’s website for plant managers and agronomists. Resources for sowing in 2020. Here you can find the forecast of temperature and precipitation for the growing season, study state support measures for crop insurance and offers of insurance companies, as well as get information by availability and prices of seeds, rating of seed farms and data on suppliers of mineral fertilizers.

Recall that during the republican meeting in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov, speaking about preparations for the sowing campaign of 2020, focused on the introduction of fertilizers and the purchase of high-quality seeds.

“More than a third of the cost of sowing is the cost of mineral fertilizers.” According to him, we have a bar - making at least 70 kg a.s. for each hectare of sowing. Dear farm managers, if we delay the purchase, the fertilizer prices will become higher,” said Marat Zyabbarov.

Also, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan announced data on suppliers of fertilizers. The main supplier of nitrogen fertilizers is Ammonium JSC, which offers ammonium nitrate at a price of about 14 thousand rubles per ton. As a rule, prices, especially for nitrogen, raise every year. For complex fertilizers, the main suppliers are PhosAgro and Tatagrohimservis. Assortment and volumes are available, prices depend on volumes and payment terms.

This year the stimulating form of support has been preserved. Farms that have accumulated 35 kg a.s. / ha and have submitted the relevant documents to the Directorate of Agricultural and Industrial Management of the districts, will receive 515 rubles of budget support per. This will make it possible to additionally purchase even more than 12 kg a.s. per hectare.

The Deputy Prime Minister asked the Heads of municipal districts to join to the purchase of fertilizers because there are good discounts for large amounts.

In addition, Marat Zyabbarov emphasized that correctly selected varieties and their seed qualities play a key role in the fate of the crop.

A very important component is the sufficient availability of financial and material resources for the entire season.

In terms of budget support, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan plans to bring 4.0 billion rubles to farms by the end of April.




- Providing unrelated support - 700 million rubles.

- increase in productivity in dairy cattle breeding - 862 million rubles.

- reimbursement of part of the cost per 1 kg of milk - 500 million rubles.

- technical modernization - 1.0 billion rubles.

  • mineral fertilizers - 1.0 billion rubles.
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