Information platform AgroSemExpert allows farmers to quickly find the seed varieties necessary for sowing

21 November 2019, Thursday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan informs agricultural producers about the possibility of searching for seeds through the AgroSemExpert information platform, which was developed by the Russian Agricultural Center and allows access to information about the quality of seeds in the region and the republic around the clock, to facilitate the search for necessary seeds and contacts of sellers, as well as monitor the progress of backfill and seed fund audits.

The program also allows you to analyze data, which facilitates the collection and processing of seed information. The system has a quick search for plant varieties included in the "State Register of Breeding Achievements Allowed for Use", which allows you to find out the year of inclusion and the tolerance region of the variety.

The AgroSemExpert program is optimized for use with smartphones and tablets.

The active introduction of innovative technologies in crop production by the Agricultural Center of Tatarstan began in 2014. One of the first steps was the provision of a warning service for agricultural producers in the form of alarm SMS. Thanks to this information, farm managers and agronomists receive information from the fields and can timely carry out protective measures on crops of agricultural crops against harmful objects and preserve the crop. The number of sent messages and subscribers is increasing annually. To farms with a sown area of ​​more than 500 hectares this service is provided free of charge. Currently, it is very popular and the number of subscribers is more than 700.

Also, since 2018, a group at WhatsApp “RSC-Consultant” has been actively working for operational assistance in the fields. In order to join the group, the farmer or agronomist just needs to write to the administrator on the phone +79274027943.

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