The selection of applications for the Agrostartup grant is ongoing

27 August 2024, Tuesday

This year, funding for the Agrostartup program, implemented in Tatarstan as part of the national project "Small and Medium Entrepreneurship", will amount to over 147 million rubles.

A total of 917.7 million rubles of state support have been allocated since the start of this project. This has made it possible to create new jobs and increase the cattle population by 8,887 heads.

The funds allocated in 2024 will provide support to 71 SMEs and involve 2,300 new members in cooperation.

Types of farms that are eligible for the program:

-Dairy farms

-Cattle fattening farms

-Sheep farms

-Dairy goat farms

-Meat poultry farms

-Young poultry farms

-Horse farms

-Farms for the production (growing) of commercial fish

-Potato growing

-Open and closed ground vegetable growing

-Production of grain and legumes, fodder, industrial berries, fruit crops

-Rabbit breeding

-Snail growing

-Mushroom growing

Under the Agrostartup grant, a novice farmer can receive up to 5 million rubles for cattle breeding (meat, milk), and up to 3 million rubles for all other areas. The grant amount can be increased by 1 million rubles when joining an agricultural cooperative. This million will go into the cooperative's indivisible fund. The size of the Agrostartup grant cannot be less than 1.5 million rubles.

Conditions for an entrepreneur

The applicant is a peasant farmer or an individual entrepreneur who is the head of a peasant farmer whose main activities are the production and (or) processing of agricultural products, registered in a rural area or in a rural agglomeration in the current financial year.

The applicant has not received financial support (except for social payments and payments for organizing the initial stage of entrepreneurial activity, subsidies for private household plots), subsidies or grants, as well as a grant to support a beginning farmer.

The applicant has a project for the creation and/or development of a peasant farmer aimed at an annual increase in the volume of agricultural products by 8%.

The applicant undertakes to pay at least 10% of the cost of the acquired property, work performed, services rendered, specified in the expense plan, from his own funds.

The applicant undertakes to maintain the number of new permanent jobs created for five years and achieve the planned performance indicators.

The applicant undertakes to carry out the activities of the peasant farm for at least five years

The applicant has not been brought to administrative responsibility under Article 20.4 of the Code of the Russian Federation.

How to participate

Step 1: Find out the timing of the competitive selection on the website of the regional governing body of the agro-industrial complex.

Step 2: Contact the Competence Center - here they will help you prepare documents and draw up a business plan, as well as fill out an application.

Step 3: Submit an application electronically through the "Electronic Budget" with an attachment of electronic copies of documents (an enhanced electronic signature of the applicant will be required).

Step 4: Pass the competitive selection - the commission evaluates projects according to the criteria and determines the grant recipients.

Applications for the "Agrostartup" grant will be accepted until August 28 of this year in electronic form by filling out the appropriate on-screen forms of the web interface of the "Electronic Budget" system at the link: https: //

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