AUGUST-AGRO sent crops to India for the first time

24 May 2024, Friday

The August-Agro company exported a thousand tons of peas to India. 

The products will have to go through a complex logistics route from the warehouse of the August-Tyulyachi agricultural company to the ports in Kolkata and Nhava Sheva. Transportation is carried out in containers: by road from Tyulyachi to the port in Novorossiysk, and then by sea - along the Indian Ocean. The cargo will cover the distance in one and a half to two months, depending on the port of arrival.

“August-Agro is carrying out an international transaction directly with the buyer for the first time. Despite the complex logistics and many associated costs, the contract is beneficial for the company,” notes Amir Galyautdinov, head of the commercial department of the Avgust-Agro Management Company.  

Earlier, in the fall of 2023, the August-Agro company, through an intermediary exporter, sent a shipment of 4 thousand tons of peas to Turkey by water.

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