Lenar Garipov: “Fairs are a social project that unites the village and the city”

22 May 2024, Wednesday

Today a solemn event took place in Kazan, where agricultural workers were honored. The Mayor of the city, Ilsur Metshin, took part in it.

At the end of the fair season, it has become a beautiful tradition to invite rural workers to the capital of Tatarstan.

“Today, those people have gathered here, thanks to whom we always have bread, milk, meat and vegetables on our table. In the Republic of Tatarstan, agriculture is always given great attention and support. We bow our heads and thank all the villagers,” Ilsur Metshin said.

One after another, the heads of agriculture and food departments in the municipal districts of the republic, heads of peasant farms and private household plots, rural settlements, and heads of holdings took the stage. 

Employees of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan - head of the department of engineering and technical support of the agro-industrial complex Ilnar Gabbasov, head of the department for the development of livestock industries Siren Nigmatzyanov, head of the department for the development of agricultural industries Irek Sadykov - were also awarded letters of gratitude from the mayor of the city. 

Special gratitude for many years of assistance in organizing and holding agricultural fairs in Kazan was presented to the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Lenar Garipov.

“We all know that agricultural fairs, which the ministry holds twice a year together with the Executive Committees of cities, have great social significance. On the one hand, this is an opportunity for our villagers to sell the surplus products they produced. On the other hand, it is providing the urban population with fresh, natural products at affordable prices. Very soon, in the fall, we will meet again at fairgrounds and continue our noble mission,” said Lenar Garipov. 

Next, he presented letters of gratitude on behalf of the ministry to distinguished employees of the Kazan Executive Committee.

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