Reporting and election conference of "Chelny-Broiler"

20 May 2024, Monday

The reporting and election conference of the United Primary Trade Union Organization "Chelny-Broiler" took place. The conference was attended by the Chairman of the Tatarstan Republican Organization of the Trade Union of Workers of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Russian Federation Farida Garifullina, General Director of JSC Agrosila Svetlana Barsukova, as well as 102 delegates - members of the trade union of the enterprises Chelny-Broiler LLC, Agrosila LLC, Chelny-MPK", LLC "Tukaevsky Plemreproductor", LLC "Naberezhnye Chelny Incubator" and LLC "Agrosila-Commerce".

The chairman of the United primary trade union organization "Chelny-Broiler" Alsu Gainutdinova told the conference participants about the work carried out during the reporting period. A report from the control and audit commission was also heard.

Summing up the results for the reporting period 2019-2024, she informed that the enterprises showed positive dynamics in production indicators, and the increase in wages amounted to an average of 60%. The wages of the company's employees are indexed annually by at least 10%.

The management of the holding JSC "Agrosila" and the primary trade union organization pay great attention to improving the system of social partnership aimed at reconciling the interests of workers and employers in regulating social and labor relations; the opinion of the trade union committee is taken into account when adopting local acts on main issues related to wages and working hours , labor standards, provision of guarantees and compensation, labor protection.   The terms of the collective agreement were revised twice and in the latest edition for 2023-2026. New clauses were introduced to provide employees with additional social benefits and guarantees. 

The range of issues resolved by the trade union committee also included the provision of financial assistance, sanatorium vouchers, organization of cultural events, holding sport events, and training. 

During the reporting period, 828 trade union members underwent health improvement in trade union health resorts of the Republic of Tatarstan for a total amount of over 22 million 534 thousand rubles, including at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund, 383 workers of pre-retirement and retirement age and according to a medical examination report, 64 “Mother and Child” vouchers at the expense of enterprises.

Particular attention during the report was paid to supporting mobilized employees. 

At the end of the conference, Farida Garifullina noted the active work of the trade union organization in representing the interests of workers in social partnership in the field of labor, on behalf of the Presidium of the Tatarstan Republican Organization of the Trade Union of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Russian Federation, awarded a Letter of Gratitude to the General Director of Agrosila JSC Svetlana Barsukova and Deputy General Director Dilshat Sitdikov for active cooperation within the framework of social partnership. She presented a free trip to the trade union health resort to Taskira Galimova, who had worked in the same workplace for almost 48 years. 

The badge of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Tatarstan “For Mentoring” was awarded to food product deliverer Timur Girsh, leading chemical engineer Gulia Mukhametshina, assistant site manager Asiya Gainetdinova, sausage molder Irina Yamaletdinova, site manager Dinara Zaripova and veterinary processing operator Oksana Elisenkova.


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