Farmer School students studied the legal and financial aspects of doing business

20 October 2023, Friday

The fourth wave of the educational project “Farmer School” is being implemented in the Republic of Tatarstan. At the moment, beginning farmers are going through the theoretical part. Classes are held at the Kazan State Agrarian University.

In the first month of training, students studied government support measures, became familiar with the features of business planning, improved financial literacy, studied taxation systems, promotion and export channels. In addition, beginning farmers took a course on managing the quality of agricultural products and creating agricultural cooperation. Based on the results of each topic, students successfully passed exams and tests.
Classes are held in an intensive mode. The curriculum includes lectures on marketing, promotion of regional food brands, production of organic products, and the use of digital solutions.

After completing the theoretical part, beginning farmers will move on to practical training at successful enterprises in the republic. This year, training is taking place in two new areas: “Rural agrotourism” and “Technology for processing crop and livestock products.” Participants will be able to apply the knowledge gained at the Farmer’s School and practical experience gained from the best representatives of the industry on their farms and give a new impetus to the development of agriculture and agritourism.

In the fourth wave of the Farmer's School, 40 people are studying. The project is being implemented with the support of Rosselkhozbank and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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