Kaliningrad hosts the "All-Russian Field Day - 2022"

29 July 2022, Friday

On July 28–30, Sokolniki, Kaliningrad Region, hosts one of the key events in the agro-industrial complex – the All-Russian Field Day 2022 exhibition. At this event, there is a delegation from the Republic of Tatarstan headed by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov.

At the exhibition, you will see the most modern agricultural machinery and equipment, the latest developments in the field of breeding, agrochemistry and plant protection. At the same time, it is possible to evaluate the achievements of the industry in real field conditions - a large-scale open-air complex includes experimental fields, demonstration plots and landfills for equipment.

In total, the exhibition occupies an area of ​​37 hectares, of which about 1 ha is given over to spring crops grown in the Kaliningrad region. 64 varieties and hybrids of wheat, barley, oats, buckwheat, corn, soybeans, rapeseed and other plants will be presented here.

This year, in addition to an extensive program for industry professionals, a festival part was also organized for residents of the Kaliningrad region and guests from other regions of the country. Everyone can visit an animal exhibition and a rodeo, creative workshops, a crafts fair where you can buy a variety of handicraft products. There is a rich entertainment program with performances by Russian pop stars. The exhibition will be available for visitors from 13:00 on July 29.

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