AGROSILA uses more than 890 units of equipment during the sowing campaign

6 May 2022, Friday

Spring field work of AGROSILA is in the active phase. The first top dressing of winter crops and the top dressing of perennial grasses with nitrogen fertilizers have been completed, and the fallow harrowing is in the process. Harrowing of perennial grasses has been completed by 20%, the second feeding of winter wheat (6%), winter rye (5%) with ammonium nitrate has begun.

Farmers have almost completed the sowing of peas (90% of the allotted area, or 3,000 ha). Sowing of perennial grasses (2789 ha) was completed by 70%, spring barley (26,511 ha) by 65%, annual grasses (1311 ha) by 35%, sugar beet (6852 ha) by 24%, and sugar beet (6852 ha) by 14%, sunflower (1718 ha). Work has begun on spring wheat, now 125 hectares (0.5% of the area) have been sown.

In May, sowing of crops will be completed, including corn for grain, corn for silage, and rapeseed. It is also planned to treat them with plant protection products and fertilize.

The seed fund of the sowing campaign is 15,058.9 tons of seeds. Of these, 14,430 tons are the holding's own seeds: barley (8,000 tons), spring wheat (5,000 tons), peas (1,000 tons), mustard (350 tons), rapeseed (80 tons). In addition, seeds of sugar beet (240.5 tons), corn for silage (230 tons), corn for grain (90 tons), sunflower (61.38 tons), rapeseed (7.02 tons) were purchased.

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