TatNIISKh won medals at the Golden Autumn exhibition

15 October 2021, Friday

The exposition presented new varieties of potatoes of domestic selection, technologies of potato cultivation, storage and processing of potato products.

TatNIISKh took part in the competition "creation of new varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops" in 4 nominations, where it received high awards:

Silver medal and Diploma of the second degree in the nomination potato breeding and seed production ("Potato variety Samba"); 

Silver medal and Diploma of the second degree in the nomination selection and seed production of grain (spring) crops ("Spring barley variety Tevkech");

Silver medal and Diploma of the second degree in the nomination selection and seed production of grain (winter) crops ("Winter rye variety Zilant");

Bronze medal and Diploma of the third degree in the nomination selection and seed production of leguminous crops ("Veles seed pea variety").

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