AGROSILA has completed sunflower harvesting

13 October 2021, Wednesday

Despite the abnormal drought of the season, agrofirms of the Agrosila holding managed to reach an indicator of 18 c/ha while an average in Russia is 16.5 c/ha. Work on sunflower fields began on September 2 and was completed in early October. The total area of harvesting was 14 thousand hectares.

After the end of harvesting, the entire harvest went to the "Zainsky elevator", which is equipped with two grain dryers for drying oil crops. Manual labor is minimized here — almost all processes are automated, and the control system allows to monitor all production processes in real time.

The capacity of acceptance and drying at the Naberezhnye Chelny elevator is 3 thousand tons of grain per day. It has exits to motor transport, railways and waterways. The feed is produced according to a special recipe and provides full-fledged feeding of any farm animals and poultry.

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