News from the fields: Forage harvesting is in full swing

15 June 2021, Tuesday

For many, smell of freshly cut grass is associated with summer and recreation. But for the field workers, this time is one of the most stressful and responsible. Farms produce grass — fed fodder-haylage and hay for cattle.

According to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, farmers of the republic are engaged in forage harvesting. To date, farmers have mowed 234 thousand hectares of perennial grasses, including 61090 hectares for hay, 159819 hectares for haylage and 11820 hectares for green fodder. 533443 tons of haylage and 62820 tons of hay were harvested.

The farmers of Atninsky (34,661 tons), Baltasinsky (32,467 tons), Tetyushsky (29,100 tons), Aktanyshsky (27,347 tons), Kukmor (27,850 tons) and Nizhnekamsk (20,500 tons) districts are actively working in this direction.

For more information about the progress of field work in 2021, please visit our official website in the Operational Information section.

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