Advanced machine operators of Aznakaevsky district competed in professional skills

4 June 2021, Friday

On the field of LLC named after Khamit Mustakimov of Aznakayevsky district, plowmen's competitions were held. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, 20 best grain growers of the district took part in the event.

The head of the district, Marcel Shaidullin, addressed the audience with a welcoming speech.

"The contest of professional skills of ploughmen is held for the tenth year. Ploughmen with various types of equipment take part in the competitions - from tractors "DT", "Belarus" to heavy - duty and fully computerized," he said.

During the competition, a cultural program was organized for the guests and participants of the event from the team "Yuldash".

According to the results of the competition, the winners were determined in two categories: dump and non-dump plowing. The championship in both groups was won by the machine operators of the Sukhoyash branch of the agricultural firm "Aznakai" Lenar Sitdikov and Munir Khabibullin.

The event ended with an awarding of advanced workers and veteran machine operators.

It should be noted that holding competitions among the most popular working professions in agriculture allows to identify the most diligent and responsible specialists, encourage them, and form a respectful attitude to the work performed by them.

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