News from the fields: acceptance of crops is held in Zainsky district

3 June 2021, Thursday

In the agricultural formations of the Zainsky district, the acceptance of crops has begun. It was attended by the head of the district Razif Karimov, specialists of the district agricultural administration, the Russian Agricultural Center for the Republic of Tatarstan and JSC "Agrosila".

During the inspection, special attention was paid to the culture of fields, the quality of sowing and the cleanliness of fields from weeds.

According to Razif Karimov, spring field work in the area was carried out in compliance with technological requirements. High-quality autumn tillage, pre-sowing treatment, application of mineral fertilizers, leaf dressing, chemical plant protection, give better seedlings and tillering, and, respectively, a better harvest.

"This year, 42.3 thousand hectares of spring crops were sown in the fields of the district, including 14185 hectares of barley, 3418 hectares of spring wheat, 1140 hectares of corn for grain, 9170 hectares of sugar beet, 3485 hectares of sunflower, 4686 hectares of rapeseed and other crops," the head of the district said.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, according to the results of the acceptance of crops, the best farmers who participated in the spring field work will be determined. Traditionally, the best master of sowing will receive a Lada Granta car, 15 best machine operators will receive 50 thousand rubles each, and more than 100 machine operators will receive 4 thousand rubles each.  The best units will also be awarded with cash prizes.

In general, according to the results of the inspection, a positive assessment was given: the fields are clean, the shoots are friendly. According to the results of crops acceptance: the 1st place was taken by the production complex "Chubukly", the 2nd place – the production complex "Bagryazh" and the 3rd place – by the production complex "Kadyrovo".

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