Heifers from the Netherlands arrived in the Mendeleev district

1 June 2021, Tuesday

Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, the livestock of the farms of the KAMAI AGRO cooperative was replenished with high-yield breeds from the Netherlands.

Farmer Elnar Agliev bought 33 heads of heifers of the Holstein-Frisian breed. This breed of cow is considered the highest-yielding in the world. The highest milk yields and the quality of milk allowed it to win a leading position on dairy farms in the republic.

The total number of livestock in the cooperative "KAMAI AGRO" today is 188 heads, including 71 heads of dairy cows. At the end of last year, the milk yield per 1 cow at KAMAI AGRO was 9412 kilograms - at the level of the most advanced farms in the Republic of Tatarstan. Since the beginning of this year, 2374 quintals of milk have been produced.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan recalls that a subsidy of 40%, but not more than 50 thousand rubles, is provided for the purchase of breeding cattle and fish planting material (for heifers and horses), and no more than 15 thousand rubles for goats, no more than 10 thousand rubles for sheep and pigs. Detailed information can also be obtained on the website of the Management Department or by calling 8(843) 221-77-60, 8-800-444-16-70. The increased amount of the subsidy is provided for horses of the Tatar breed – 60%. An important condition for obtaining state support is the preservation of the existing livestock.

Information on the availability of breeding cattle: Kholmogor breed of Tatarstan type, Aberdeen-Angus, Holstein, Hereford and limousine, as well as horses, sheep and pigs can be found on the website of the Main Breeding Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan or by phone 8(843)221-77-64. Also here you can find a list of breeding farms of the republic and their contacts.

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