Marat Zyabbarov reported on progress of the sowing campaign and work of the republican agricultural cooperatives

8 May 2021, Saturday

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan-Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov reported on the current progress of the sowing campaign and the work of the republican agricultural consumer cooperatives at a meeting in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, held a meeting in videoconference mode with all municipal districts. The meeting was also attended by Prime Minister of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin.

Marat Zyabbarov briefly reported on the progress of the sowing campaign. The work was carried out on an area of 920 thousand hectares - 52% of the plan. Of these, spring cereals are 682 thousand hectares, oilseeds- 100 thousand hectares, sugar beet- 42 thousand hectares.

High rates of sowing are observed in Nurlatsky, Zainsky, Tetyushsky, Aksubayevsky, Yutazinsky districts-more than 80 %. Soon, they will complete the sowing work. More than 70% is done in Menzelinsky and Aznakaevsky districts. The northern districts have a relatively low percentage of work completion, but this is due to their geographical location. In the coming days, they will also reach maximum performance.

In general, the technical potential of the farmers of the republic allows to sow more than 100 thousand hectares or more than 5% of the plan per day. And most agricultural companies will complete the sowing campaign by mid-May.

A second revision of the condition of winter crops was carried out. So far, the area of the upcoming replanting is about 10%. The main causes of death are violations of technologies, including sowing according to bad predecessors, non-compliance with the terms of sowing, poor-quality protection system.

The minister called on farmers to monitor the state of steam fields. So far, 33 thousand hectares or 10% of all fallow plots have been sown with siderates.

Also, as part of his report, Marat Zyabbarov spoke about the interaction of republican agricultural cooperatives with personal subsidiary farms and peasant farms. So, according to the results of 2020, 1 million tons of milk were produced in the republic. Of these, more than 700 thousand tons were produced in households and cooperatives (36.6%). 37 cooperatives are engaged in the collection and processing of milk in the republic. Of these, 22 cooperatives collect milk and, after cooling, send it for processing to factories. This is about 500 tons of milk per day. The other 15 cooperatives have their own processing and distribution channels for finished products. They process 400 tons of milk per day and produce up to 30 types of products.

The average purchase price for milk from the population of the Republic of Tatarstan today is 20 rubles 66 kopecks, which is 27 kopecks higher than last year.

The Minister noted that the program for the development of agricultural consumer cooperatives was the most popular and aimed at preserving the rural lifestyle, increasing income and creating jobs. The revenue of cooperatives for the year increased by 2.3 times and amounted to 6.5 billion rubles.

Since 2015, 1.4 billion rubles have been allocated for the development of material and technical base of agricultural consumer cooperatives. State support was received by 85 cooperatives, which today unite more than 8 thousand members.

"Any fluctuation in the purchase prices for milk quickly affects the maintenance and preservation of cows. Thanks to the annual state support for the maintenance of the dairy herd, we were able to keep the number of cows in the household within 100 thousand heads. The decision on the payment of subsidies for the maintenance of cows by the President of the Republic was also made for 2021 - 350 million rubles. This is a huge support for villagers in a difficult time, " the head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan added.

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