In Tatarstan, 32 districts have started sowing spring crops, the total area of spring crops will be 1.8 million hectares

24 April 2021, Saturday

In Tatarstan, spring field work has started. 780 thousand hectares of areas (79%) have already been fed, of which 502 thousand hectares are winter crops and 278 thousand hectares are perennial grasses. Nail Zalakov, First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, reported this today at a meeting in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan.

President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov held a videoconference meeting with all municipal districts. The meeting was attended by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin.

As the first deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan said, Zainsky district has completed feeding of winter crops and perennial grasses. Nurlatsky, Alekseevsky, Tukayevsky, Bavlinsky, Menzelinsky districts also completed feeding perennial forage lands in time. The winter wedge was completely fed by Sarmanovsky, Tetyushsky, Aznakaevsky, Nizhnekamsky districts. Cheremshansky and Tukayevsky districts are close to completion.

In general, in the republic, the volume of work on harrowing (moisture closure) is 3.1 million hectares. To date, moisture closure has been carried out on an area of ​​1515 thousand hectares, or 48% (of which winter crops - 180 thousand hectares , perennial grasses - 320 thousand hectares, fall and fallow - 1015 thousand hectares. Large areas of moisture closure were treated in Tetyushsky district - 73 thousand hectares, Tukayevsky (70), Nurlatsky (64), Zainsky (62), Alekseevsky (57), Cheremshansky (56) districts.

In the republic, 32 districts have started sowing spring crops. Sowing works of spring crops were carried out on an area of ​​128 thousand hectares, or 7% of the plan. Crop areas in the Republic of Tatarstan this year will amount to 2.8 million hectares, which is at the level of last year.

Spring sowing is to be carried out on an area of ​​almost 1.8 million hectares. Of these, cereals and legumes - 1.1 million hectares, technical crops - 344 thousand hectares, fodder - 370 thousand hectares.

Today, more than 70% of grain crops are sown with seeding complexes equipped with seeding control systems and fuel consumption rates. There are 720 of them in the republic.

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