Labor people: A disciplined head of a poultry farm

19 April 2021, Monday

Today, the hero of our column "People of Labor", in which we write about ordinary people who have won honor and respect with their daily work, is Faizelahat Gayazovich Fasakhov, who has worked in agriculture for more than 43 years.

Faizelahat Fasakhov was born on August 30, 1941 in the village of Zirekle, Novosheshminsky district of the Tatar ASSR. He began his career in 1963 after graduating from the Kazan Agricultural Institute in Chistopol as an agronomist - at the Burevestnik state farm and the Druzhba collective farm. Soon, the diligent and responsible specialist was elected chairman of the collective farm.

In two years he brought the lagging economy to the forefront. In 1970, the collective farm won almost all the banners: regional in yield, livestock, plowing, and even the Red Banner of the Russian Federation for big grain.

In 1970, Faizelahat Gayazovich became the head of the Chistopolskaya poultry farm. The enterprise immediately launched feed production and built a feed mill. They entered the market with modern poultry houses, a hatchery, an autonomous boiler room, a refrigerator and mechanical workshops. Everything here was created according to his ideas, with his participation.

Faizelahat Gayazovich was a quiet and very modest man, but he kept discipline at the enterprise. Always a demanding, honest, responsive and attentive leader. His life credo as a leader is as simple as the truth. "The main thing is that people are well fed and kept warm." By nature, he was a conservative in the best sense of the word. As a true peasant, he is careful and circumspect.

His main qualities are consistency and good disposition towards people. At his enterprise, almost all specialists have worked for years and decades without changing. There are plenty of poultry dynasties here: Motygullins, Zalyaletdinovs, Gatins.

Over the years, he was also a deputy of the Chistopol District Council.

For his fruitful work and significant contribution to the development of agriculture, he was awarded many government awards. He was awarded the title of "Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan." He was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Badge of Honor, and two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor. Now Faizelakhat Gayazovich is no longer with us, but the bright memory of him will remain in our hearts for a long time.

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