Menzelinsky district farmers are mastering the latest technologies in dairy farming

30 March 2021, Tuesday

Providing a small calf with proper nutrition is not an easy task. In this case, a special milk taxi for feeding calves will come to help breeders, which greatly simplifies the process of feeding the offspring. Such equipment is available at the dairy farms of OOO Kamsky Bacon in the Menzelinsky District.

“Milk taxi is a mobile device for preparation, storage, transportation and distribution of milk of a certain temperature for calves from 2 to 75 days of age, which are in individual housing,” says Sergey Gyncu, deputy general director of Kamsky Bacon LLC.

The device consists of a platform on wheels with a heating system pumping the mixture from the tank cavity to the feeding tank. The presence of a battery pump and a dispensing gun simplifies the system for dispensing the mixture. The milk taxi with pasteurization function for temperature control on the dashboard has a digital indicator.

In addition, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, LLC "Kamsky Bacon" plans to build a dairy complex for 6,000 cows in the village Konovalovka (Menzelinsky District). The construction of the farm will take place in 2 stages and will be completed by the end of 2022. The implementation of this project will increase the volume of milk production by more than 68 thousand tons per year and will amount to 186 tons per day.

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