Labor people: The head of the farm, who has mastered all agricultural specialties from a weigher to a tractor driver

29 March 2021, Monday

Today, the hero of our column "People of Labor", in which we write about ordinary people who have won honor and respect for their daily work, is Mansur Zinnatullovich Khismatullin, who has worked for more than half a century in agriculture, and is now a successful head of a peasant economy in the Chistopol region.

Mansur Zinnatullovich began his labor activity in the collective farm named after Gabdulla Tukai in his native region. He started working at the age of 10. He mastered almost all agricultural specialties - from a weigher to a tractor driver. After graduating from the Kazan State Agricultural Institute named after Maxim Gorky, he was appointed chief agronomist of the farm, and in May 1989 he was elected a chairman of the collective farm named after Gabdulla Tukai.

Under his leadership, the enterprise underwent major changes to strengthen the material and technical base of the economy: grain warehouses were built, a road 1900 meters long was asphalted, apartments for employees of the enterprise were improved, water towers and silage trenches were built.

Since 2002, Mansur Khismatullin has been successfully managing a peasant (farm) economy and providing consulting services to local farms in the region.

To date, the cost of operating the existing farm equipment is the lowest possible, and the yield of all agricultural crops is the highest in the region.

The enterprise operates in a stable and efficient manner.

In recent years, the head of the farm has been doing a lot of work to introduce a set of measures to improve land reclamation and increase soil fertility. Three ponds were built on the farm's lands for irrigating crops. Every year, in order to increase yields, a variety change and variety renewal of seeds, as well as a biologization of agriculture, are carried out. Sowing is carried out only with seeds of the highest reproduction, mineral and organic fertilizers are rationally applied. In 2020, an intensive drip irrigation orchard was laid on an area of ​​2 hectares.

The farm has also introduced an energy-saving technology for the cultivation of agricultural crops, which contributes to the growth of the profitability of crop production. So in 2020, the harvest of grain crops on the farm averaged more than 37 centners per hectare.

In addition to farming, he has been seriously engaged in beekeeping for 40 years, teaching his children and grandchildren. For bees, he sows melliferous herbs in his fields.

During the years of his leadership, Mansur Khismatullin showed a good orientation in modern problems of agricultural affairs. He skillfully organizes the fieldwork process using materials from advanced manufacturing technologies. Mansur Zinnatullovich shows the organizational skills of a mentor. A flexible mind, enterprise and foresight of a business executive are the dominant personality traits of Mansur Zinnatullovich.

Serious responsibility and the complexity of tasks to be solved do not prevent him from remaining a responsive and open person who is sincerely respected by colleagues and friends, as well as by the entire agricultural asset of the region. His achievements are the result of responsibility, dedication and daily tireless work.

In addition, he provides assistance to retirees, war and labor veterans.

The results of his work were marked with awards of the republican and federal levels. For many years of conscientious work, for achieving high production and economic indicators, he was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. He was also awarded the title of Honored Worker of the Russian Agro-Industrial Complex. He was awarded the gold medal "For the contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia." Recently, at a solemn event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the farming movement in Tatarstan, Mansur Zinnatullovich was awarded the title "Honored Farmer".

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