Kazan Veterinary Academy provides social guarantees for university employees

23 March 2021, Tuesday

The Kazan Veterinary Academy hosted a conference of the university staff. During the event, they discussed the implementation of the current collective agreement between the administration and the labor collective.

The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Tatarstan Republican Organization of the Trade Union Farida Garifullina, Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Gafarov, as well as 90 delegates from structural divisions and students of the Academy.

The rector of the academy Rustam Ravilov spoke about the implementation of the collective agreement measures and the tasks for the upcoming period. During his speech, he noted that within the framework of social partnership, the academy closely interacts with the trade union committee. Coordination of the mutual interests of the administration and the staff of the academy is carried out on the basis of a collective agreement.

“The document broadly and fully covers the main positions on the issues of wages and labor protection, employment and professional growth, working hours and rest time, social guarantees for workers, guarantees of the activity of the trade union committee. The average salary for 2020 at the academy was 38,462 rubles for the teaching staff - 205% of the national average, ”Rustam Ravilov said.

In the academy, there is a 100% provision of nonresident students with places in the hostel. They are located within walking distance from the main educational building, clinic, sports facilities, canteen and buffet. Reading rooms, computer classes, showers, and laundries are there. Current and major repairs are carried out annually.

“In 2020, trade union bodies provided legal assistance in the development of 85 collective agreements and local regulations. Examination of 45 collective agreements was carried out. Trade union committees, when concluding collective agreements, sought significant benefits and guarantees for employees, including: the provision of additional paid vacations, financing of the health improvement of workers and their families, additional payments for mentoring, additional cash payments at the birth of a child, the stay of children in health camps, lump sum payments for retirement", - said Farida Garifullina

The event ended with the rewarding of active members of the trade union with awards and prizes.

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