A job fair was held at the Veterinary Academy

18 March 2021, Thursday

A Job Fair-2021 was held at the Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E. Bauman. The event was attended by the Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Veterinary Medicine of the Republic of Tatarstan Gabdulhak Motygullin, the rector of the Veterinary Academy Rustam Ravilov, as well as teachers, students, representatives of regional veterinary associations, agricultural complexes, livestock farms and poultry farms.

During the meeting, the issues of required vacancies in state institutions, the importance of the chosen specialty for graduates and state programs for young professionals were discussed. Representatives of agricultural enterprises presented to the graduates 14 currently open vacancies with a wage level of about 40 thousand rubles, basic working conditions and lifting programs for young specialists in rural areas.

Gabdulhak Motygullin told the students about the regions of the republic that need young, well-trained specialists and the support that is provided to young employees of state veterinary institutions. “Feel free to go to farms and districts. Enjoy your profession”, he said.

During the event, representatives of Agro Invest LLC of Nurlatsky and Aksubaevsky districts, as well as the Ak Bars holding company, invited to work the young veterinarians and zootechnologists.

Representatives of the Akhmetov farm and Tatmit Agro LLC in the Sabinsky district, the Shoibulaksky plant of the Mari-El Republic, the EkoNiva-APK holding in the city of Voronezh, as well as representatives of the Mendeleevsky, Tukayevsky, Bavlinsky, Pestrechinsky, Drozhzhanovsky districts spoke about the lack of highly qualified young specialists in veterinary medicine.

At the end of the meeting, Rustam Ravilov noted that current students are very lucky with their profession. “Today, in agro-industry, everything is being updated, digitalized and the attitude towards an agricultural worker is changing for the better,” he said.

Recall that a few weeks ago, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov met with the students of the Veterinary Academy, after which 15 students expressed their desire to switch to targeted education and after graduation to find a job at agricultural enterprises. In the near future, future employers will organize study visits to enterprises to make a final decision.

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