When you are a farmer who can afford 600 limousines

4 March 2021, Thursday

The head of LLC "Agrofirma" Martin "of the Sabinsky district, Askar Fatykhov, explains simply:

“We have the richest “stable” in the republic - it contains more than six hundred limousines,” he says. - And the demand for them in the Russian market is constantly growing.

600 limousines! I mentally multiply 8 million by 600: what a treasure!

But here is the explanation: these are red cows with small udders standing under a round roof, eating fodder.

“These are our limousines,” says Askar Gabdrakhmanovich, nodding at the cows. - And on the card there are fattening bulls. Of course, you can't take billions from them, but the business is successful.

In our republic, this breed is not so widespread, although it’s very attractive. It is distinguished by tasty meat, cows do not have problems during calving, young animals can be raised using intensive or extensive feeding - on any of them, calves will show a stable weight gain.

But limousines have a rather absurd character, and therefore you need to be very careful with animals. The greatest danger comes from calving cows, which can attack anyone who gets too close to the calf. But the agricultural company is already accustomed to this breed. After all, they began to deal with this cattle in 2006. It is no coincidence that in 2010 the farm received the status of a pedigree reproducer for growing limousines.

There are also cross-breed livestock on the farm - about 400 heads.

Interestingly, the herd is kept on purchased feed. It is not cheap. But high average daily weight gain and low production cost allow making a profit. In 2020, for example, the average daily weight gain of young animals was 869 grams per head. Livestock produced 150 tons.

In 2017, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, under the program for the development of beef cattle breeding near the village of Martynovo, an industrial feedlot was built; inexpensive, reliable domestic feed dispensers were purchased. Feeding improved immediately. New technologies and mechanization made it possible to facilitate the work of livestock breeders and increase productivity.

The attendants are minimal, together with the director - there are only 11 people. Among them, the head of the agricultural company especially notes the competent, diligent veterinarian Albert Baymetov, who clearly follows the daily routine of caring for animals, operator Mudaris Shakertzyanov, with warmth caring for the newborn calves.

The agrofirm sells limousines to farmers in Tatarstan, there are regular customers in the Nizhny Novgorod and Volgograd regions, and they come from other regions as well.

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