Buino spelled products conquer the foreign market

2 March 2021, Tuesday

Every week we write about people who started their own businesses in the countryside, family farms and young entrepreneurs doing what they love. One of these people is Marat Faskhiev, who is reviving a forgotten grain crop in Tatarstan - spelled.

The entrepreneur was born in Rybnaya Sloboda, and received a higher education in the capital of Tatarstan. After graduating from the Agricultural Institute, he worked for the Vamin agricultural holding for many years, then decided to purchase an unused plant in the Buinsky district.

Тhe Polba groats plant operating in the Buinsky district specializes in the production of various spelled products. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, in 2020 the enterprise sold about 1400 tons of products.

Spelled products are in great demand among followers of proper nutrition and people with allergies. Products made from spelled are sold from Khabarovsk to Kaliningrad, and are in demand even abroad. About 500 tons of spelled products were exported to Germany and Austria.

For merits in the field of agriculture, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, the director of LLC "Polba M" Marat Faskhiev was awarded the title "Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan."

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