Marat Zyabbarov took part in the final session of the Council of the Bugulma region

26 February 2021, Friday

Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin and Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Minister of Agriculture of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov paid a working visit to the Bugulma municipal district. As part of the trip, they examined the exhibition of products of industrial enterprises, small and medium-sized businesses, the agro-industrial complex of the Bugulma region, educational institutions, culture and social protection.

At the exhibition, the company EKONIVA was presented, which is currently building a dairy complex in the Bugulma region. Everyone could taste delicious and healthy dairy products under this brand. Then they took part in the session of the Council of the municipal district, where the results of socio-economic development of 2020 and the tasks for 2021 were considered.

“The safety margin of the republic and the measures taken at the federal level allowed Tatarstan, in general, to go through 2020 with minimal losses. The republic has retained its leading positions among the subjects of the Russian Federation. At the end of last year, the GRP was estimated at 2.4 trillion rubles. or 97.1%; IPP amounted to 96.4% against the level of 2019; the volume of products shipped - 2.7 trillion rubles; commissioned 2 680.1 thousand sq. m of housing (100.2% to the level of 2019); in agriculture, the volume of production reached 263.4 billion rubles. (104% to the level of 2019), the farmers of Tatarstan have harvested a record harvest over the past 12 years - 5.5 million tons of grain, ”said Alexey Pesoshin during his speech at the meeting.

Despite the pandemic, in 2020 the agro-industrial complex of Tatarstan showed good dynamics. According to preliminary results, Tatarstan ranks 1st among Russian regions in the Russian Federation - for milk production and potato harvesting; 6th - according to the gross yield of sugar beet; 7th - in terms of gross harvest of grain and meat production, 10th - in terms of gross harvest of vegetables. In 2020, 14.4 billion rubles were allocated to support agriculture at the expense of the republican and federal budgets. The corresponding support measures will be maintained this year. The indicators of the Bugulma region in agriculture remain rather modest.

Occupying 2.10% of the arable land in Tatarstan, in 2020 the share of the district in the cash proceeds of the republican agro-industrial complex was only 0.78%.

The daily gross milk yield in the district farms today is about 31.5 tons. This is only 38th place among the regions of the republic. As it was said in the report of the head of the district, hopes for improving the situation in dairy farming are associated with a new investor in the agricultural complex of the district.

The district remains among the outsiders - 40th place in the development of small forms of agriculture.

In order to support small forms of rural business, a number of programs are being implemented in the republic, incl. various grants for budding farmers, family farms and Agrostartup.

“For the whole last year, only 2 farmers from the Bugulma region took advantage of state support opportunities. The district administration needs to strengthen work in all areas of the agro-industrial complex, to ensure the effective implementation of investment projects of agricultural holdings, to assist active villagers in the development of their own farms”, commented Alexey Pesoshin.

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