Tatarstan scientists have developed methods for intensifying the production of vegetable protein

25 February 2021, Thursday

Scientists of the TatNIISH, a separate structural subdivision of the FRC KazSC RAS, under the leadership of Candidate of Biological Sciences, Leading Researcher Alexandr Fadeev, have developed methods for intensifying the production of vegetable protein based on the mobilization of pea genetic resources and improving the elements of cultivation technology aimed at realizing the high potential of yield and quality. The study became the winner of the competition of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan among scientific research and development of agro-industrial complex.

Studies on the methods of increasing the realization of the potential of the new varieties of peas Veles and Narat were carried out on two fertilizers produced by INKO-TEK Agro Alabuga LLC.

As part of the development, they obtained the experimental data on the formation of the structure of the agrocenosis of new varieties of peas, the effectiveness of using various levels of mineral nutrition, protective and stimulating drugs for pre-sowing seed treatment. In the course of the study, economically profitable options in the development of varietal agricultural technology of new breeding achievements were revealed, the regularities of the formation of yield and protein content in new varieties of peas at different planting densities. The varietal characteristics of the competitiveness of plants in agrocenoses, depending on the density of sowing, formation of the optimal structure of industrial and seed-growing crops, have been established.

So, when cultivating peas of the Veles variety, for maximum realization of the potential, it is recommended to sow with a rate of 1.4 million germinating seeds, which ensures an optimal seeding density with a plant survival rate of 91%. The cultivar is able to realize the maximum indicators of yield, protein collection and profitability with an increase in the level of mineral nutrition with a nitrogen content within 30 kg for chemical protection against pathogenic microflora using the Scarlet preparation. For cultivation of the variety, there is an option with pre-sowing treatment with a complex (Rizotorfin + unique humus + Maisky + biochelate), which provides the maximum economic effect when sowing without fertilizers. According to the background of mineral nutrition N12P40K60, the best level of profitability is ensured when using stimulating and protective preparations for pre-sowing treatment (Rizotorfin + Unique humus ++ Phytotrix).

And the pea variety Narat is characterized by a lower realization of the potential without taking intensification factors, but a high protein content in the seeds. To obtain maximum yield and harvest protein, the variety should be cultivated using the biological fungicide Maisky with the chemical Scarlet for pre-sowing seed treatment (consumption 50% of the norm). An ecologically and economically viable option for this variety is the use of stimulating and protective biological preparations together with pre-sowing seed treatment: Rizotorfin + Unique humus + + Fitotrix. A high economic effect is provided in conditions of natural fertility and the application of mineral fertilizers with N12P40K60 batteries.

The introduction of new varieties and developed agricultural practices for them will allow to significantly increase the productivity of peas and their quality in the farms of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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