Marat Zyabbarov chaired a meeting to prevent the spread of ASF in Tatarstan

18 February 2021, Thursday

Today at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, a meeting of the republican headquarters on preventing the spread of African swine fever was held in the videoconference mode. The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov.

The event was attended by representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Rosselkhoznadzor Directorate for the Republic of Tatarstan, the Main Directorate of Veterinary Medicine, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan, the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan, the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan for Bioresources, as well as representatives of the Rosprirodnadzor Department for the Republic of Tatarstan and Ministry of Forestry of the RT. All municipal districts of the republic joined the event in the videoconference mode.

“The situation in the republic is tense. Two more outbreaks were identified among wild boars in the Almetyevsky and Zainsky regions. A total of 6 outbreaks were registered. There are 3 unsuccessful districts: Yelabuga, Zainsky and Almetyevsky. More than half of the republic's territory falls within the 100-kilometer threat zone. There is a risk of further spread of the virus with wild boars. The current situation may cause infection of pigs in agricultural enterprises, peasant farms, personal subsidiary plots of citizens, which will lead to large financial losses and may become a threat to the food security of the republic, ”said the head of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Almaz Khisamutdinov, head of the Main Veterinary Directorate, reported on the situation with African swine fever in the republic.

Almaz Khisamutdinov noted that the shooting of wild boars should be continued, since they can move to other territories and serve to further spread the infection. The latest cases in Almetyevsky and Zainsky regions are an example of this.

“Monitoring of the situation on African swine fever among wild boars in our region continues. The Republican Veterinary Laboratory, the Tatar Interregional Veterinary Laboratory receive samples every day. In total, from January 1, 2020, 7793 samples have been examined”, he said.

Ilnur Galeev, acting head of the Rosselkhoznadzor Administration for the Republic of Tatarstan, said that in order to prevent the spread of the ASF virus, hunting grounds are monitored daily to identify dead and weakened wild boars.

“As of February 17, 2021, in the Yelabuga region on the territory of the National Park “Nizhnyaya Kama ” 47 bodies of wild boars were found and destroyed by burning, disinfection was carried out at the places where the dead boars were found. In total, 2,276 wild boars were shot and inspected on the territory of the republic this year: 184 wild boars were shot on the territory of the Yelabuga region, 267 boars on the territory of the Zainsky region, and 136 wild boars on the territory of the Almetyevsky region.

Heads of regional departments and administrations of state natural reserves of regional significance carry out the following activities:

- elimination of all feeding areas at a distance of up to 10 km from the identified focus of African swine fever;

- accelerated measures for the full production of wild boars by amateur and sport hunting using methods that exclude frightening of wild boars;

- monitoring is carried out on the territory of hunting grounds and adjacent territories of settlements for the detection of dumps of household and biological waste.

At the end of the meeting, Marat Zyabbarov emphasized the need to strengthen the ongoing preventive measures to prevent the spread of the virus into the republic and announced preventive measures that must be strictly observed:

- to start measures to reduce the number of wild boars in threatened zones to 0.25 individuals per 1000 hectares.

- to hold meetings of commissions for emergency situations in municipal areas.

- pig breeding enterprises to ensure work behind closed doors in compliance with all veterinary and sanitary rules for keeping animals.

- heads of rural settlements to warn the population about the threat of the spread of the virus.

- Citizens keeping pigs in private household plots, to exclude as much as possible visiting forests, to exclude feeding food waste that has not undergone heat treatment.

In case of death of domestic pigs and detection of carcasses of wild boars, immediately inform the veterinary service.

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