News from the districts: Zainsky sugar plant successfully completed the season

4 February 2021, Thursday

JSC "Zainskiy sugar" has completed the sugar producing season. According to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, the plant received 1 million 249 thousand tons of sugar beet. More than 194 thousand tons of sugar were produced (44 thousand tons more than last year), 50 thousand tons of molasses and 56 thousand tons of granulated bagasse. The sugar yield for the season was 15.6%.

Today the plant is carrying out work to increase the average daily capacity by implementing investment measures and thoroughly preparing for the season during the repair period.

The plant has four active ventilation systems, which allows maintaining an optimal temperature inside the cart, prolonging the shelf life of root crops. The enterprise has implemented a bar-coding system, an Agro production system and a lean production system.

Thanks to lean manufacturing at the plant, the quality of equipment has improved, stocks have been reduced, and work is being carried out everywhere to ensure the overall involvement of workers in kaizen activities. The basics of lean production have been trained 100% of the company's personnel.


For reference:


JSC "Zainskiy sugar" is one of the most dynamically developing companies in the Agro-industrial complex - Holding "Agrosila". In terms of harvesting and processing of sugar beets, the company is the leader among factories of the Russian Federation. All products comply with standards, quality and safety are strictly controlled.

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