News from the districts: A meeting of leaders was held in Aktanysh

26 January 2021, Tuesday

A traditional meeting of leaders took place in the Aktanysh region today. The event was attended by the head of the Aktanysh municipal district, Engel Fattakhov, as well as the best representatives of enterprises and organizations of the region, the best workers in agriculture, processing industry, culture, education, construction, health care, sports and social sphere.

Sincere words of gratitude were expressed to the Aktanysh agrarians for their highly organized work, for their conscientious attitude to work, and a scientific approach to agriculture. The event was accompanied by a concert.

“2020 has gone down in history with its achievements and excellent performance. The meeting of the foremost workers is a holiday celebrating the valor of our foremost fellow countrymen working in various fields. Masters of their craft work in each of the branches. We have a lot of hardworking, indefatigable, strong-willed fellow countrymen who keep up with the times, in whatever industry we work, "Engel Fattakhov noted.

He also highly appreciated the activities of collectives of farms and agricultural firms of the region.

The event ended with the awarding of the best workers of the agro-industrial sector. The honorary titles “Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan”  were awarded to the driver of Tamyr LLC Favis Zakirov and the milkmaid of the Chuguev branch of the Aktanysh agrofirm LLC Rifa Khuzina.

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