New rules on labor protection in agriculture came into force

12 January 2021, Tuesday

New rules on labor protection in agriculture came into force at the beginning of this year. They have replaced those in force since 2016.

The rules establish the requirements for the organization and conduct of production processes for the cultivation, harvesting and post-harvest processing of crop products, the maintenance and care of farm animals and poultry, land reclamation and wastewater treatment and primary processing of agricultural products.

The rules contain requirements for the safety of personnel when performing agricultural work, in relation to production facilities and workplaces, technological processes in the agro-industrial complex, as well as requirements for the transportation of raw materials, finished products and waste.

The rules include the requirements for different types of work and contain clear instructions on how to act in a given situation. For example, when carrying out all types of work in greenhouses and hotbeds, it is prohibited to wear indoor shoes with soft soles. It is also indicated which side the worker needs to be on when milking animals.

The new rules, in comparison with the previous ones, revise the mechanisms for achieving the required level of labor safety for workers in the agro-industrial complex. In addition, they imply the introduction of a risk-based approach, and also take into account the principle of "regulatory guillotine".

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, the rules will cover more than 1,800 agricultural organizations and about 60.5 thousand people working in agriculture in Tatarstan.

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