Christmas trees can be handed over for animal feed

12 January 2021, Tuesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan invites you to take part in the action to collect live trees left by the townspeople after the New Year celebration for animal feed. From 10 to 31 January in Kazan, the Povolzhskaya Ecological Company organized a reception point for live trees. Anyone can take part in the action. To do this, you need to bring the symbol of the New Year holidays (Christmas tree, pine, fir, spruce branches) and put it in a special container.

Reception points will work around the clock at the addresses:

- Adelya Kutuya str., 160, a container near the office of the Povolzhskaya Ecological Company;

- Victory avenue, 141, a container on the territory of the winter boulevard of the Mega family shopping center.

Trees are accepted only from individuals, trees should be pre-cleaned of tinsel and decorations.

To clarify the conditions for accepting Christmas trees in large quantities from legal entities and associations, please contact the organizers of the action by phone +79874135475.

All the collected trees will go to the farms of the Shelanga village of the Verkhneuslonsky district and the Aldermysh village of the Vysokogorsky district. The trees will be used as food for the Saanen goats, which are very fond of coniferous branches and bark. In 2020, by joint efforts, they managed to send more than 1 ton of treats to feed.

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