Congratulations of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov on the New Year

31 December 2020, Thursday

Dear colleagues, workers and veterans of the agro-industrial complex!

On behalf of the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan and on my own behalf, I wish you a Happy New Year!

In 2020, our republic has achieved great success in the development of agriculture. A record grain harvest for the past 12 years has been threshed. We are firmly in the lead in milk production. Tatarstan fully meets the needs of the population for basic food products.

But the most valuable thing, of course, is the people who work tirelessly on farms and processing plants on these holidays, thanks to which we always have the necessary products on our tables. And it deserves the deepest respect!

May the coming year be successful not only for the industry, but also for everyone who connects their lives with it.

I wish you and your loved ones good health, happiness and success!

Byrәm belәn, kaderle duslar!

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan -

Minister of agriculture and food of the Republic of Tatarstan

M.A. Zyabbarov

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