Agricultural enterprises of Tatarstan within the National Project to increase labor productivity received an economic effect estimated in millions

22 December 2020, Tuesday

Tatarstan agricultural enterprises are helped to minimize costs and increase profits for free.

Today, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan discussed with agricultural producers the support measures. The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov, First Deputy Minister Nail Zalakov, Director of the State Autonomous Institution “Center for Energy Saving Technologies of the Republic of Tatarstan under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Akhmerov, heads of large enterprises of the republic and other responsible persons.

Nail Zalakov noted that the main task of the project is to ensure, through the introduction of lean production principles, the annual growth of labor productivity and increase the company's profit without unnecessary investments.

Marat Akhmerov said that within the national project “Labor Productivity and Employment Support,” specialists from the federal and regional center of competence help Russian enterprises to minimize costs and increase profits for free. Experts come to production sites, study how it works, identify weak links in technological chains and, together with the company's employees, develop a process optimization plan. Already 19 agricultural enterprises of the republic have been participating in the program.

Shamil Bayramov, head of the Regional Competence Center of the Republic of Tatarstan, spoke about the results of enterprises implementing projects to increase labor productivity.

For example, the Tukayevskiy Plemreproductor, which is introducing an increase in the productivity of collecting hatching eggs, increased labor output by 12%, reduced the process time by 11% and inventory turnover by 5%, which gave an economic effect on a pilot project of 19 million rubles. And the Agrosila enterprise, which implemented the project for the production of meat products, received an economic effect of 197 million rubles. Optimization of the production process of confectionery products (chak-chak) brought the Kazan bakery 7.7 million rubles. The increase in productivity of meat delicacies gave Kamsky AIC 45.7 million rubles.

The enterprises told about the positive effect they managed to get. During the event, it was noted that an important criterion when deciding on the inclusion of an enterprise in the program is the desire and interest of the head to achieve positive results, because with an increase in labor productivity, there are reserves for increasing workers' wages, the ability to pay taxes to the budget of the republic on time. The gross domestic product is increasing, there is a possibility of exporting, and there is an import that must be replaced. This is a huge potential. By reaching the desired level of productivity, you can compete with goods imported from abroad.

In addition, through participation in the project, enterprises gain access to:

· Program of professional retraining of management personnel;

· Measures of financial and non-financial support;

· Tax peferences;

· Assistance in exporting and removing administrative barriers.

Marat Zyabbarov recommended that each enterprise carefully study the program's capabilities and realize the benefits that it provides, the key ones are undoubtedly a significant economic effect and increased profitability. The heads of agricultural enterprises have expressed their interest in introducing lean production and increasing labor productivity.

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