Business in the countryside: Geese for rent

8 December 2020, Tuesday

Every week we write about people who, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, have opened their business in the countryside. A completely unique practice has developed in the Muslyumovsky district. There, aspiring entrepreneurs can rent geese and try being a farmer.

Irek Khamadishin started farming in 2005 by registering a peasant farm. And after a few years he became famous in the Muslyumovsky district as a "goose tycoon". Having bought and reconstructed several abandoned collective farm cowsheds and sheepfolds, he began to rapidly increase the number of geese, and at the same time he was engaged in broilers and laying hens. At first, Khamadishin had a goose farm only in the village of Mitryaevo, then he managed to develop a poultry business in three more settlements: Tash-Elga, Tatarskaya Smylovka and Novye Karamaly.

Soon the farmer found an effective way of mutually beneficial cooperation with farmers and private subsidiary plots. Since potential buyers of young animals do not always have money, Khamadishin gives the goslings “for rent”. But at the same time, he makes a contract: for every three goslings, the purchaser returns one in the fall, fattened.

This form of cooperation quickly became popular in the region. And when Irek Shakiryanovich and partners created the agricultural consumer cooperative "AgroLeader" in 2013, they began to extend this form of cooperation to reliable representatives of neighboring regions. For example, the farm "Bashirov I.I.". In the spring of this year, they rented 6,000 three-week-old goslings from the AgroLeader cooperative, and in November it paid off with 2,000 fattened geese.

“We have created a cooperative with the goal of processing poultry and selling the final product - goose meat,” says Irek Shakiryanovich. - In this case, we received a subsidy support from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan. We built a building, purchased equipment, including two large refrigerators. This year, 15,000 fattened geese passed through the processing shop of the cooperative.

And recently AgroLeader applied for participation in the first national competition "Tastes of Russia", presenting its product "Tatar Dried Goose".

- For a long time we have been hatching the idea of ​​drying geese. And we made the dream come true by hiring a competent technologist, - says Khamadishin. - We are currently developing a packaging label, which we think will be bright and noticeable. Our brand must be recognizable in the market, and this is what we strive for.

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