Farmers of Tatarstan got the opportunity to do the "early booking" of agricultural machinery under the program of preferential leasing

3 December 2020, Thursday

One of the key mechanisms of state support for the technical modernization of the agro-industrial complex is preferential leasing, which allows farmers to purchase modern agricultural machinery and equipment on the most attractive terms. With the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, from December 1, 2020, Rosagroleasing JSC has launched a special offer for agricultural producers - "Early Booking", which provides the possibility of filing an application for the purchase of equipment with an additional discount at a fixed price of the year. Including an advance payment of 0% and a deferred payment until September 1 of the next year.

The measure will help support Russian farmers, who, in the current economic and epidemiological situation, are entrusted with the task of ensuring the country's food security and successfully carrying out seasonal field work. The program participants were the largest manufacturers of agricultural machinery - Rostselmash, Petersburg Tractor Plant, Klaas Vostok, Bryanskselmash, Eurotechnica, Pegas-Agro, BTZ, Kverneland Group CIS, MTZ- Tatarstan ”,“ Yaroslavich ”,“ SDFR ”,“ Agrarian Group ”,“ Agroservice-Tekhnika ”,“ Liliani ”,“ Anitim ”,“ RZZ ”,“ Voronezhselmash ”, as well as“ Kazanselmash ”, known to all Tatarstans. In addition, manufacturing companies offer additional discounts on machinery and equipment.

For advice on the acquisition of equipment and measures to support agricultural producers, please call the call center of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan: 8-800-444-16-70.

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