100 start-up entrepreneurs completed training at the School of a Young Farmer

1 December 2020, Tuesday

With the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Agrarian Youth Association, more than a hundred novice farmers from 8 regions of Russian Federation have been trained at the School of a novice farmer. The training was organized on the Agropolya platform and ended today.

During the three days of the school, young people learned about the programs of state support for small forms of farming, subsidies to family livestock farms, and also considered the issues of maintaining documentation and taxation of peasant farms.

During the practical part of the training, the School participants visited the marble meat farm of Renat Aizyatov from the Drozhzhanovsky district, the Latypovs robotic dairy farm in the Vysokogorsky district, as well as the Lukoz Saba and Kamsky grapes enterprises.

“I liked the format of the online excursions. Personally, I was interested in the experience of the Aizyatov farm, which is engaged in cattle feeding and the production of marbled beef. This format helps to get the essence of the course, motivate participants to continue developing their farms. I am engaged in the production of organic meat. It was interesting for me to observe the processes of this production in your republic, ”said a young farmer from Kazakhstan Gulmira Murzakayeva.

In the theoretical part, novice farmers were expected to meet with representatives of relevant ministries and departments of the republic. They discussed issues of writing business plans for dairy, meat and crop production, investment efficiency, as well as land relations in small businesses.

“The school not only enriches informational knowledge, but also develops entrepreneurial potential in practice,” the future farmers say.

Upon completion of the training, novice farmers received a certificate of advanced training of the Kazan State Agrarian University, and the 20 best participants got into a free educational program from the Russian Agricultural Bank.

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