Bread "Mamadyshsky na Khmelyu" will compete in the national competition of regional brands "Tastes of Russia"

18 November 2020, Wednesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan nominated bread "Mamadyshsky na khmelyu" for the first national competition of regional brands "Tastes of Russia".

“I have always been interested in new technologies, original recipes. After studying the use hop sourdough, colleagues from other fields, based on GOST 31805-2018, decided to develop a new bakery product from wheat bakery flour. In order to popularize local products, we decided to name our brand exactly as bread “Mamadyshskiy na khmelyu”, - an experienced technologist with great experience, chairman of the consumer cooperative “Mamadysh” Guzel Hasanova tells the story.

Mamadyshsky bread is a complete product for consumers of any age, it gives a feeling of satiety, energizes, helps cleanse and regulate the intestines.

The main paint of baked goods is a hop leaven, which has a tonic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect. With such a leaven, the bread is nourishing and does not turn stale for a long time, with prolonged storage it does not lose its inherent taste.

The recipe for the hop starter culture is simple: dry hops are poured with a double volume of water and boiled for an hour, then the broth is infused and filtered. Rye flour is poured into a glass of hop liquid, bringing it to the consistency of sour cream. The thickened mass is left for two days in a warm place. Yeast is considered ready when the amount of solution doubles.

Bread is baked from flour of the highest and first grade in a humidified chamber of a baking oven "Revent" at a temperature of 220-230 degrees, the duration of baking is 45-50 minutes.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan recalls that on November 19, a popular vote will be announced on the Tastes of Russia website, within which everyone will be able to support his favorite regional brand.

All project participants will find themselves in the federal program of support and promotion, they will have a chance to improve the qualifications of their employees, and the winners will get the opportunity to receive support for the growth of demand and sales.

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