Autumn agricultural fairs continue in Tatarstan

31 October 2020, Saturday

Today for the fairs, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, products and goods were brought by farmers and agricultural producers from Arsky, Kukmorsky, Baltasinsky, Buinsky and other regions. All products have been tested by veterinary services.

Buyers, in turn, noted that the fairs became not only an excellent opportunity to purchase environmentally friendly farm products of local production, but also a real holiday, with a concert program and a sincere friendly and attentive attitude towards each customer.

Let us remind you that the autumn fairs began work on September 12 and will be held weekly until the New Year. The assortment at various sites has its own characteristics and is tailored to the needs of residents.

Looking forward to seeing buyers at the agricultural fair next Saturday! Requests for the necessary goods, suggestions and complaints can be reported to the call center of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan 8-800-444-16-70

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