Agrarians of Zainsky district provided the highest yield in Tatarstan

28 October 2020, Wednesday

This was announced today by the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Nail Zalakov at an event dedicated to the Day of the Agricultural Worker in Zainsky district.

“Today Tatarstan occupies a leading position in the Russian Federation in the production of agricultural products and is one of the five leaders in terms of gross agricultural production (Occupying 2.4% of the country's agricultural land, the republic produces 4.2% of its gross output). This year, despite the difficult period, a record grain harvest over the past 12 years was harvested - 5.4 million tons, with a yield of 35.4 c / ha. Sugar beet - 2.2 million tons, potatoes - 1.2 million tons, vegetables - 300 thousand tons. The gross seed oil volume will be about 350 thousand tons. Tatarstan is a self-sufficient region and fully meets the needs of the population for basic food products, "Nail Zalakov noted.

He drew attention to the fact that workers of the Zainsky region make a great contribution to the development of agriculture in Tatarstan. The district finished the harvesting campaign with a gross grain harvest of 190 thousand tons with a yield of 48.6 centners per hectare - this is the highest figure in the Republic. Zainsky region also occupies a leading position in the production of sugar beet, the sown area was over 9 thousand hectares. This year, 442.5 thousand tons of sugar beets with an average yield of 486 c / ha were dug up. Sugar production amounted to 83.4 thousand tons.

Since the beginning of the implementation of grant programs, 19 farmers have received state support for 50 million rubles.The projects they had implemented have increased the number of poultry by more than 200 thousand heads, cattle and horses - by 850 heads. The cooperative "Zai" was noted separately as it has established the processing of 117.6 tons of milk per year.

The agricltural machinery park is also being actively renewed in the region, which allows performing agrotechnical processes in the optimal time and with good quality.

Thanks to the active work of Agrosila Holding, large investment projects are being implemented. The holding pays special attention to digitalization and environmental projects.

“But the most valuable thing, of course, are the people who, with their daily work, contribute to the development of the region and the agro-industrial sector,” Nail Zalakov noted and wished not to stop there and continue improving the efficiency of agricultural production.

The event ended with the awarding of the best specialists of the region's agro-industrial sector.

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