Agrarians of Zainsk region have completed digging of sugar beets

12 October 2020, Monday

The farmers of the Zainsk region have completed the digging of sugar beets. The harvesting of sweet root crops began on 12 August. On an area of ​​9101 hectares with a yield of 486 c / ha, they received 442.5 thousand tons. 12 beet harvesters Ropa Tiger and 3 beet loaders Ropa Mouse were operating in the fields.

Among the leading combine operators there are: Alexander Pukaev - 407 hectares; Aydar Galimov - 672 hectares, Rasim Mifteev - 668 hectares, Fannur Gilyaziev - 548 hectares, Ilsur Yunusov - 400 hectares, Kuzma Egorov - 599 hectares and Pyotr Tikhonov - 384 hectares.

The harvested crop is transported to JSC "Zainsky sugar". To date, the enterprise has received 595.6 thousand tons of sugar beets, processed 439.9 thousand tons, and received 65.2 thousand tons of sand; sugar content is 17.5%.

According to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, the agrarians of the Apastovsky and Bugulma districts also completed the digging of sugar beets. Tukayevsky, Sarmanovsky, Buinsky and Menzelinsky districts have almost completed.

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