More than 1,000 loans were issued in Tatarstan within the rural mortgage program

8 October 2020, Thursday

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, at the beginning of October, Rosselkhozbank issued 1,014 loans under the preferential rural mortgage program. Their total amount made 2 billion 240 million rubles.

The leader in the implementation of this program in Tatarstan was the Vysokogorsky district, where 99 transactions on rural mortgages were registered, and Arsky district had 63 transactions. 50 transactions were registered in Kamsko-Ustinsky and Tetyushsky districts, and 45 - in Laishevsky.

The program is very popular in all regions of the country - it provides unprecedented lending conditions at a rate of up to 3% per annum for those who want to purchase or build a new housing in rural areas. Rosselkhozbank was one of the first to start lending. The complete list of credit institutions participating in the program today includes 9 banks.

Any citizen of the country aged 21 to 75 years can apply for a preferential rural mortgage at 3% per annum. The amount of the loan issued for a period of up to 25 years is in the range from 100 thousand to 3 million, while the initial payment starting from 10%. An important condition of the program: the purchased house, apartment or land plot must be located in rural areas.

For obtaining a rural mortgage, you can consult the call center of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan: 88004441670.

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