Rustam Minnikhanov: Our common task is to make the agro-industrial complex a highly efficient and competitive industry

24 September 2020, Thursday

“In the republic, almost a million citizens live in rural areas. We are doing a lot to improve the quality of life in the countryside, including the help of republican programs. The village is a way of life, a special culture and lifestyle. Traditions, customs and native language are carefully preserved here. At the same time, agriculture is an important industry for the economy, ”said the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov during his annual message to the State Council of the republic.

In general, 2020 turned out to be favorable for agriculture. The republic has harvested a record harvest for 12 years - 5.5 million tons of grain (5.45 million tons). Atninsky district was the first of the municipalities to complete the harvesting. The best farms in the republic were: the Nur Bayan enterprise from the Aktanysh region, the Aznakay from the Aznakayevsky and Avangard from the Buinsky district.

Rustam Minnikhanov also noted Ildus Fatkullin - the best combine operator from the Zainsky region and Ilgiz Giniyatov - the best mechanic from the Khuzangaevskoye of the Alkeyevsky region.

The President of the Republic drew attention to the need to continue improving the efficiency of agricultural production and gave positive examples of such work. The use of digital solutions in managing the crop formation process allowed the Kalmurzino company of the Menzelinsky municipal district to increase its cash revenue by 3.5 times in 3 years. Thanks to technical modernization on the farms Agrosila and August, the energy supply today is at the level of European agricultural producers. The use of "Monokorm" by the cooperative of the Kukmorsky district  allows to ensure an increase in milk yield in a personal subsidiary farm by 10 liters per cow per day. Thus, the economic effect of milk production has increased by 1.5 times, and the work of people in the preparation of feed is facilitated.

In addition, Rustam Minnikhanov drew attention to the fact that modernization, the introduction of new technologies, an increase in the efficiency of the management system for the production of agricultural products lead to an increase in labor productivity, improve working conditions, increase wages, and therefore increase the attractiveness of the industry for young people. So, in the company "Tukaevsky" of the Atninsky region, where a high-tech complex was built, today more than 70% of employees are young people who receive a decent salary. Examples like these are the proof that we have reserves. And they need to be used.

“In recent years, the republic has developed an integral system of support for peasant (farmer) households and personal households of citizens. We are proud of our farmers who have virtually created a successful rural business from scratch. Among them there are: Nasim Davletov from Menzelinsky District, Lena Galieva from Kukmorsky District, Artem Morozov from Nizhnekamsky District, Svetlana Zaikina from Almetyevsky District and Minsine Latypova from Vysokogorsky District, "Rustam Minnikhanov said, thanked for their work and wished the farmers further success.

“We have completed the main stage of the formation of the farming. The task for the next decade is strengthening and further development. Each farm must become the backbone of the village and a reliable partner of a rural settlement. Public authorities, in turn, should promote initiative by farmers. A good example is the work to increase the business activity of the rural population under the leadership of Farid Khairullovich Mukhametshin and Marat Gotovich Akhmetov. I hope the joint work of the State Council and the Ministry of Agriculture of the republic will continue, ”the President of the republic noted.

Rustam Minnikhanov stressed that commodity producers should also work more actively with retail chains, noting the Azbuka Syra company, 80% of whose sales volume falls on federal retail chains. Thanks to this, its products are successfully sold throughout Russia. Currently, there is a steady trend in the consumption of halal products in the world. This is a good opportunity for the development of exports of products of our producers. Thus, the Agrosila holding has been actively working in this area for the last 15 years and holds a leading position. The development of halal production allowed the company to increase the export of such products by 2.5 times this year. Other manufacturers should also get involved in this work.

In general, along with the above reserves in the agro-industrial complex, it is necessary to multiply the export of agricultural products, strengthen selection work in animal husbandry and crop production and take all measures to ensure veterinary safety. Our common task is to make the agro-industrial complex a highly efficient and competitive industry.

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