Rustam Minnikhanov invited the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia to get acquainted with the unique practice of building feed centers in Tatarstan

2 September 2020, Wednesday

This was announced today by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan at a meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

The board was chaired by the Minister of Agriculture of Russia Dmitry Patrushev. The event was also attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov.

“This year we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the TASSR. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan is the same age as the republic. Today, the agro-industrial complex of Tatarstan is one of the leading in the country and is among the top 5 leaders in terms of gross agricultural production (at the end of 2019 it had 251 billion rubles, production index was 103%). Occupying 2.4% of the country's farmland, the republic produces 4.2% of its gross output. Tatarstan is a self-sufficient region and fully satisfies the needs of the population in basic food products, ”Rustam Minnikhanov noted.

Speaking about the tasks the agrarians of the republic face, the President of the Republic of Tatarstan mentioned the need to stabilize production volumes regardless of weather and climatic conditions. For this, in Tatarstan, the share of drought-resistant varieties is increasing, the biologization of agriculture is expanding and digital technologies are actively used. A decent harvest is expected this year - 5 million tons of grain.

Also, the President of the Republic noted that the productivity of arable land directly depends on the volume of applied mineral fertilizers. More than 1 billion rubles are annually allocated from the budget of the republic for their purchase. This makes it possible to apply at least 70 kg of active substance per 1 ha. The current year has once again proved the effectiveness of this measure - the yield already exceeds 35 c / ha (36.4 c / ha).

At the same time, in Tatarstan, great attention is paid to maintaining soil fertility through liming (in the Republic of Tatarstan, 43% of arable land have varying degrees of acidity). At the expense of the budget of the republic, liming of 60 thousand hectares is carried out annually. Within the federal program, it is planned to increase this area: incl. up to 80 thousand hectares; by 2025 - up to 105 thousand hectares. At the same time, from 2021, the cost recovery under the program will be reduced from 90% to 30%, which may lead to a decrease in the desired liming volumes. In this regard, the President of Tatarstan asked to keep the volume of cost recovery at the level of 90%.

Speaking about the development of the agro-industrial sector of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov noted that over the past 10 years, over 160 billion rubles of investments have been attracted for the construction of mega-farms, reconstruction of livestock complexes and the purchase of pedigree livestock. As a result, the republic is the country's leader in milk production.

The farmers of the republic are developing a new promising direction - the construction of feed centers. The implementation of the first projects showed their effectiveness: the productivity of livestock increased by 15% and the cost of feed was reduced by 12%. In addition, this approach solves the problem of feed supply in personal subsidiary plots. The President of the Republic of Tatarstan invited the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia to get acquainted with the unique practice of building feed centers in Tatarstan and asked to support this direction of work at the federal level. Dmitry Patrushev expressed his readiness to study this issue.

Rustam Minnikhanov also thanked Dmitry Patrushev and the head of Rosagroleasing JSC Pavel Kosov for supporting the Tatarstan agrarians in matters of technological modernization, without which the growth of production of the agro-industrial complex is impossible.

Since 2006, about 2 billion rubles have been annually allocated from the budget of the republic for these purposes. Thanks to this, more than 7 thousand tractors were purchased, about 3 thousand grain harvesters and more than 1,000 forage harvesters. In 2020 alone, more than 800 units of equipment were purchased (worth 3 billion rubles).

In addition, the President of Tatarstan noted that small farms play a key role in the sustainable development of rural areas. In Tatarstan, a strong farming class has formed in the countryside. These are 4 thousand peasant farms and 450 thousand personal subsidiary plots. They are followed by half of the republic's agriculture. The number of people willing to develop business in the countryside is growing every year. At the same time, the number of applications from proactive villagers exceeds the opportunities available within the framework of federal state support.

Rustam Minnikhanov asked to increase the volume of federal funds for the development of the farming movement this year, especially under the Agrostartup program. Let us remind you that there are 162 winners in the Agrostartup competition, 64 of which received grants, the remaining winners need an additional 365 million rubles, including 295 million rubles from the federal budget).

Dmitry Patrushev replied that the possibility of increasing funding is currently being considered.

Also, in December last year, at a meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation, the President of the country outlined tasks for the arrangement of rural areas and their balanced development. Only a comprehensive solution of these problems will ensure the improvement of the life of villagers and growth of agricultural products.

Tatarstan is constantly working in this direction. Thus, within the framework of the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas program, which was completed (in 2019), more than 5 thousand residents were provided with housing. 220 km of roads were built. Since this year, work has continued under the State Program "Comprehensive Development of Rural Areas". Rural mortgage became its popular tool.

As the head of the working group of the State Council on construction, housing and communal services and the urban environment, Rustam Minnikhanov expressed the opinion of the regions about the need to increase the limits for this program.

“In addition, next year we plan to implement 17 projects for the integrated development of territories where 49 thousand rural residents live (construction of 55 engineering infrastructure and social and cultural facilities). At the same time, from 2021, it is planned to reduce the costs of state program activities (from 2.2 billion rubles to 0.7 billion rubles, including from the budget of the Russian Federation (from 1.2 billion rubles to 0.6 billion rubles), which will not allow us to implement our projects in full, ”Rustam Minnikhanov drew attention and asked to consider the possibility of keeping federal budget expenditures for the implementation of this program.

Its implementation will stop the outflow of the rural population.

Dmitry Patrushev supported the President of the Republic of Tatarstan in this matter.

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