Tatarstan harvested the fourth million tons of new crop grain

28 August 2020, Friday

To date, more than 1 million hectares have been threshed in the republic, or 74% of the plan. The average yield is 37.4 c / ha. Buinsky, Tetyushsky, Zainsky and Sarmanovsky districts are the leaders in the amount of harvested grain and yield.

A number of agricultural enterprises have already completed the harvesting campaign. For example, LLC Tsilna, Drozhzhanovsky district, completed harvesting at 60 c / ha, LLC named after N. Bayan of Aktanysh region received 44.2 c / ha, LLC" Khuzangaevskoe "Alkeyevsky district completed harvesting with a yield of 40.6 c / ha.

Now it’s also a very important time to lay the foundation for next year's harvest. All regions of Tatarstan have started sowing winter crops. In Tukayevsky, Arsky and Cheremshansky districts more than 70% are sown. In total, it is planned to sow about 540 thousand hectares of winter wedge for the harvest in 2021. According to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, all regions of the republic have started sowing winter crops.

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