Traditional horse races will be held on the Republic Day at the Kazan Hippodrome with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan

26 August 2020, Wednesday

On August 30, on Republic Day, on the territory of the international equestrian complex "Kazan" with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, traditional races will be organized.

The equestrian event will begin at 11.30 am with the arrival of purebred Arabian horses for the Summer Prize. 10 horses of 2 years old purebred Arabian breed will compete at a distance of 1200 meters at 11.45 a.m.

12:00 - arrival of Tatar horses for the Argamak prize. 13 racers of the Tatar breed from different regions of the republic will compete at a distance of 1400 meters. Salted mares and stallions Alan RT, Akhra, Tulpar, Ak Murza and others will compete for the prize fund.

12:15 - race for the "Friendship of Peoples" prize, distance is 2400 meters.

12:30 - race for the Cup of the Kazan Hippodrome with the participation of thoroughbred horses, distance is 2000 meters.

14:10 - championship of jockeys of the Republic of Tatarstan for horses of the Tatar breed, at a distance of 600 meters.

14:30 - ride at a distance of 1200 meters, 13 participants will compete for the "Juniors" prize.

14:50 - pony ride for the prize in honor of the sport of the highest achievements of the Republic of Tatarstan, 500 meters distance.

15:10 - race of horses of 3 years old purebred Arab breed for the prize "Arabian horse", distance 2000 meters.

15:30 - Race for the Granite II prize for horses of 3 years old and older, thoroughbred, distance 1600 meters.

15:50 - the prize in honor of the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Tatneft Company for stallions and mares born in 2017, born in Russia. Distance - 1600 meters.

16:10 - race for the prize in honor of Kazan - the City of Labor Glory for horses of 3 years old and older, purebred riding breed, distance 1600 meters.

16:30 - arrival at the prize "Golden Crown of Tatarstan" for stallions and mares born in 2017, born in the Republic of Tatarstan. Distance - 1600 meters.

16:50 - 14 thoroughbred horses born in the Republic of Tatarstan will compete for the prize of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan in races at a distance of 1800 meters.

17:10 - race for the prize of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan for horses 3 years old and older purebred riding breed. Distance is 2400 meters.

17:30 - arrival for the prize of the Federation of Horse Breeding and Equestrian Sports of the Republic of Tatarstan for stallions and mares born in 2016, born in the Russian Federation. Distance is 1600 meters.

17:50 - arrival at the Miss Tatarstan (Tatarstan Oaks) prize for mares of 3 years old purebred riding breed. Distance is 2400 meters.

18:10 - race to the PJSC TATNEFT Cup for 2-year-old thoroughbred horses born in the Republic of Tatarstan. Distance is 1200 meters.

18:30 - arrival at the prize "Property of the Republic" for foals and mares of 4 years old and older, born in the Republic of Tatarstan. Distance - 1800 meters.

18:50 - race for the prize in honor of the 100th anniversary of the formation of the TASSR for horses 3 years old and older, purebred Arabian breed. Distance - 1600 meters.

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