The best technologists for the reproduction of cattle and livestock breeders were identified in Tatarstan

20 August 2020, Thursday

The 42nd Republican competition of technologists for artificial insemination of cattle, as well as 3 competition of animal breeders took place in the Vysokogorsky district. The event was attended by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Lenar Garipov, the head of the Vysokogorsky district Rustam Kalimullin, the head of the main state agricultural management of livestock breeding of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Rishat Zaripov, the general director of the State Enterprise "Elita" Fannur Zaripov, the head of the Main Directorate of Veterinary Medicine RT Ministers Almaz Khisamutdinov.

Opening the event, Lenar Garipov noted the importance of competitions for the livestock industry, for the growth of professional skills of specialists. “Dairy farming is so multifactorial that at each agricultural company the result depends on fifty, even hundreds of people, on their responsible attitude to work,” the deputy minister said.

The best specialists - winners of regional competitions took part in the competition. They demonstrated their knowledge of herd reproduction, keeping and feeding livestock, preparing cows and heifers for calving, as well as practical skills in artificial insemination of cattle.

The competitions were held in several stages. The commission tested the skills of the participants in lab conditions, assessed the practical skills and performance indicators of the contestants, in addition, the participants demonstrated their proficiency in theory.

The absolute champion of the 42nd competition of technologists for the reproduction of cattle was Bulat Garapshin from Igenche LLC, Arsk region. 1st place in artificial insemination of cattle using European technology was taken by Ayrat Khairiev from ProdProgram Mamadyshsky district, 2nd place - Lyudmila Gimadieva from AF" Sarman " of Sarmanovsky district, 3rd place was taken by Damir Khaliullin from LLC" Niva " in Zainsky district.

Fidaris Fayzrakhmanov from the Nizhneatyn veterinary site of the Arsk region became the best artificial insemination operator in personal subsidiary plots. 2nd place was taken by Dinar Ilyin from the State Budgetary Institution "Sarmanovskoe RGVO" of the Sarmanovsky region. 3rd place was awarded to Ramis Yakiev from the branch section of the State Enterprise "Elita" JSC, Menzelinsky District.

1st place in the competition for the practical use of the Draminsky machine was taken by Rais Khusnullin, the head of the Aksubaevsky District SPS, 2nd place was taken by Ilnaz Vakhitov from OOO Srednee Devyatovo, Laishevskiy District, 3rd place was awarded to Ramis Yakiev from the branch section of JSC GPP Elita, Menzelinsky District.

The winners of the 3rd competition among livestock breeders were: Lyubov Khisamutdinova and Albert Baymetov.

The second place among livestock breeders in the nomination for dairy cattle breeding was taken by Nelya Terentyeva, the third place - by Yulia Karpova.

The absolute champion of the 3rd Republican competition among zootechnicians-breeders was Lyaysan Khamitova from the Sever agricultural enterprise, Arsk region.

The winners of the competition were awarded with diplomas, medals and valuable prizes.

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