Agrarians of Zainsky district were the first in Tatarstan to start harvesting sugar beets

12 August 2020, Wednesday

The beet growers of the Zainsky district will have to harvest 9100 hectares of beets.

The machine operators of the agricultural firms "Zai", "Zainskiy Sugar", "Vostok" of the Zainsk region have started digging root crops.

12 ROPA Tiger beet harvesters and 3 ROPA Maus self-propelled loaders are working on sugar beet harvesting. Farms of the region will supply 8 thousand tons of root crops per day for processing to the Zainsky sugar plant, which will start working on August 15.

According to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, today sugar beets in the farms of the Zainsky district have been harvested from an area of ​​100 hectares, the yield is high - 450 c / ha.

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