For harvesting with new equipment: a farmer from Novosheshminsky district purchased new combines

28 July 2020, Tuesday

Nikolai Skokov, a farmer from the village of Sloboda Petropavlovskaya, will soon start harvesting. Rapeseed, mustard, winter wheat, rye and spring wheat ripen on an area of 3,500 hectares. Two new Nova-340 combine harvesters and three Niva combine harvesters will be involved in the grain harvesting. Nova is an alternative to the common model SK-5 Niva, adapted to domestic operating conditions and has maximum localization.

“For our farm, we took combines with six-meter headers, model NOVA 340,” says Nikolai Aleksandrovich. - We found this technique in the Internet. Before deciding to buy, we visited the enterprise, got acquainted with the technical characteristics and gave priority to our domestic equipment, because they quickly helped to draw up all necessary documents, but most importantly, the equipment has a three-year warranty. If something breaks down, on the first call, the service center quickly arrives and replaces spare parts. It is very convenient".
Combine Nova is a modern combine harvester designed for farms with land plots from 50 to 500 hectares. The unit is designed for harvesting the main industrial crops: row crops, cereals, legumes, rapeseed. Model 340 is intended for direct and separate processing of grain crops.

“The productivity of our previous Niva combines was 7-8 tons per hour, the new Nova-340 equipment produces 12 tons, that is, two Niva replaces 3 conventional Niva combines. The six-meter cutting width of the header increases productivity and working speed, ”says the farmer.

The farm machine operators have already appreciated the new equipment. The harvester is equipped with a spacious cabin, a stove and an air conditioner. Pyotr Dorofeev has been working as a combine operator for over 10 years, this year he is harvesting for the first time using new equipment.

“It's very comfortable to work. The new harvester has been seriously improved, threshing is better, grain is cleaner. The cabin is comfortable, visibility is good, there is air conditioning. I like the control system, earlier on the harvesters you had to press the pedal, there were levers, but now everything has been improved - they made a button, made a hydroplane. That is, you pay more attention to the header. The threshing process and the operation of the combine's mechanisms are monitored by voice system Adviser II, it controls the stability of the technical process and prevents breakdowns of the units, ”says the operator.

“I can say that the technique met our expectations. The combine of this model has a large threshing area, convenient adjustment of sieves. Overall, the car is simple but well made. And the main thing for us is the maneuverability of this model. The ground clearance of the NOVA 340 is 30 - 50 cm, thanks to which there are practically no impassable places for the car. The harvester is compact, can be easily deployed in small areas, therefore, for our fields with difficult terrain, this is just a godsend, ”Nikolai Skokov, general director of the Skokov farm, rejoices.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, 1,000 hectares have been harvested in the farms of the Novosheshminsky district, 3,000 tons of grain have been threshed, the yield is 30 centners per hectare. 
In total, 3442 units of equipment are involved in the work in the Republic of Tatarstan.

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