Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Kaymak cooperative built a dairy plant

23 July 2020, Thursday

4 tons of milk per day is processed by the Kaymak agricultural consumer cooperative in the Sabinsky region. It became the main supplier of milk in personal subsidiary plots of the village of Balykly, Tyulyachinsky district.

“We entered this cooperative with hope and belief that it will become the structure that will help make the sale of milk from our farmsteads reliable and profitable,” says Aizat Galiakhmetov, a member of the “Kaymak” cooperative, who is also a milk collector.

Milk is known to be a liquid product. But also problematic: it will turn sour very quickly, especially in the heat. How to make quality products from such raw materials?

“We were established in 2016 with the grant support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan under the program“ Development of agricultural consumer cooperation in the Republic of Tatarstan ”and received 7 million 698 thousand rubles,” says Ainur Mustafin, executive director of cooperative. - The funds received were used for the construction of a dairy plant and the purchase of equipment for the production of hard cheeses, fermented milk products and butter. Milk was procured both from the population and in agricultural firms - they got a lot of cones. Now we understand: the main thing in the dairy business is accounting and control.

Today the cooperative has 215 shareholders. The cooperative manufactures 15 types of products. These are drinking milk 3.2% and 2.5% fat, cream, sour cream, two types of cottage cheese, Adyghe, Holland, Russian cheeses, kefir, katyk and butter. The products are sold in retail stores in the Sabinsky district, agro-industrial parks in the cities of Kazan and Zainsk, in the neighboring districts - Baltasinsky, Tyulyachinsky, Kukmorsky, Rybno-Slobodsky, Zelenodolsky, Verkhneuslonsky, as well as in the markets of Kazan.

“Our immediate plans are to improve the quality of raw materials and finished products, for which we want to supply a milk cooler in Balykly, to switch to differentiated payment for raw milk dispensers depending on quality, and also to switch from semi-automatic equipment to fully automated ones,” says Ainur Mustafin.

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