Marat Zyabbarov took part in a meeting for monitoring the situation with socially significant agricultural products

1 July 2020, Wednesday

A regular meeting for monitoring the situation with socially significant agricultural products and food was held at the Russian Ministry of Agriculture. The event, chaired by the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture Dzhambulat Khatuov was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov.

The meeting participants discussed the implementation of forecast indicators in crop production for 2020 and the current state of crops. According to Dzhambulat Khatuov, currently sowing in the country is almost complete. The cultivated area amounted to 80.2 million ha, which is 300 thousand ha more than in 2019. In particular, it is increased for spring wheat, corn for grain, rice, sunflower, vegetables and flax. Currently, 12 entities have already joined the harvesting campaign. Harvest forecasts are favorable. At the same time, there is a slight lag behind last year's pace due to the late ripening of crops in the North Caucasus and Southern Federal Districts. Also, in some regions, drought, dry winds, and the return of spring cold during the growing season were noted, which has influenced the state of crops. The department carries out constant monitoring of the situation and form the forecast production balances.

In Tatarstan, thanks to high-quality seed material (30% is sown with original and elite seeds), sufficient mineral nutrition (65.5 kg ai / ha) and organized sowing campaign, today all crops are rated as good. Greater emphasis is placed on 3-fold processing of crops, combining them with foliar application. To ensure the quality of work, we set the task of equipping stationary mortar units in farms having over 500 hectares of arable land. To date, more than 200 mortar units have been built.

In parallel with the protection of crops, forage is being actively harvested. This year it is necessary to harvest coarse and succulent fodder from an area of ​​about 500 thousand ha of perennial grasses and the first mowing has been completed everywhere. About 700 thousand tons of coal units were procured. (hay - 335 thousand tons, haylage - 1718 thousand tons). This is 150% compared to last year. In general, there is no problem with providing fodder.

At the same time, preparations are underway for the harvesting campaign. More than 3.5 thousand harvesters will be involved in cleaning. It is planned to complete this work by the 20th of July.

In addition, the meeting focused on updating the agricultural machinery fleet, including through preferential leasing programs, and providing agricultural producers with basic material and technical resources. In particular, it was noted that from January 1 to June 29, 2020, farmers acquired 2.5 million tons of mineral fertilizers in the active substance, which is 0.3 million tons of AS more than the same period in 2019.

The participants also considered the phytosanitary situation and the control of locust pests. According to Dzhambulat Khatuov, this topic requires special attention from the heads of regional agro-industrial complex management bodies, specialists from specialized services and agricultural producers. It is necessary to carry out the whole range of pest control measures in order to prevent crop losses. Earlier, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia recommended that entities reserve funds in the budgets. A preliminary plan for processing the territories was sent to the regions. Following the meeting, Dzhambulat Hatuov instructed the regional agro-industrial complex management bodies to take special control over the progress of the harvesting operations and the provision of operational reporting.

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